

This next installment is from a Florida metal band called Black Tide. None of the members are over 21, one is 16 and one is 18. I love their debut album; Light From Above, its old school metal done with new energy and love. Metal, in general, can be pretty juvenile, and then, suddenly, can become really deep and heavy in a manner unequaled by any other musical genre. Black Tide is a group of juveniles, but they are also a group of musically talented individuals.

This song is one of the more adolescent songs off the album. And that's why I love it, for its pure adolescent imagination, obviously written by comic book reading, science fiction demented, videogame and RPG loving, freaks. It’s animated and entertaining to watch, and it’s called; Warriors Of Time. Do yourself a favor and spend a few minutes and watch it in full screen mode:


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