
Machete Kills Again!!

Hello readers of the world. Part VII (and the final part) of my currently running story is written and will be posted next week, so don't you all worry. This is just an opinion piece that I needed to express. It is time sensitive to current life experience and could not be delayed.

This is being
written for blogging when normally I would just log into Facebook and "Share" my enjoyable experience with family and friends. I just didn't feel comfortable doing that with this film. There are strong political opinions in this film. I have seen, and am a fan of, many films of this nature. This film, however, heavily involves a major issue that our country is currently debating. An issue with serious elements existing in an intense environment with powerful feelings and drastic measures on all sides. Immigration. It is a formidable issue with all industrialized countries all over the world. Mexican Illegal Immigration and our loose southern border with the poorer more unlawful country of Mexico is what immigration issue is more pertinent to us. I not only know how vehement my family and friends feel about this issue, all opinions on both sides are present, but I know how vehement I feel about the issue. It is so 'hot button' that I am not going to strongly advertise the post on my personal Facebook page. (I will advertise it on my Aroumba Toumba Facebook page, however). This is for those that just happen to come across it (or the few that have subscribed to the blog.) Most will have to scroll down to read it, and in that way I fell freer to express a complicated feeling about an intense political subject. All of which is present in a film that I thoroughly enjoyed in all its extreme melodrama by an American Filmmaker that I am a big, big fan of.

Machete, a Robert Rodriguez Film, is a fucking kick ass movie. It's extremely graphically violent in a comedic, comic book, and George A. Romero way that is thoroughly enjoyable to me. Campy beyond camp, to a ridiculous level. If that kind of crazy shit is to your liking then go fucking see it. But pause a second here, because it is equally mixed with Robert Rodriguez's viewpoints on Illegal Immigration in the USA and you might not agree with them. I didn't agree with all of them. Guess what? They are pro Mexican, and "oh my god", pro Illegal Immigration. Right now hard-core, law abiding, Real Americans' heads are exploding.

That's the part I don't agree with, that Illegal Immigration is to be made "OK", or that we, as Americans, should accept it as an imperfect part of our country's Capitalistic, law driven, functioning motor, like our fatuous incarceration per capita rate. Illegal Immigration exploits people, families. It breaks down the important protective laws of our country by giving power to drug lords and gangs that can rule whole neighborhoods in cities and towns without fear of being exposed by families fearful of deportation. It puts financial strain on government programs for our poor CITIZENS when it funds those that don't pay taxes and are not CITIZENS. It overpopulates sections of this industrialized nation that has begun to control its own population through education, science, over all progress and growing financial requirements. Mexico is still an 'old world' country in many, many aspects, but one glaring aspect to me is that 'old world' idea that one must have many children to assure that one will be taken care of in old age. I won't even discuss the implications that the Catholic Church brings to all this.

So I don't agree with Robert Rodriguez, but he is an American and I believe in freedom of speech and opinion and I love his movies. To be fair, Robert does offer a solution within the storyline. Creating stricter, more fascist laws is not the solution (I agree with this absolutely, although I don't understand why the current Immigration laws can't be implemented and enforced). Instead he suggests a lawful system that exists outside of the law, implemented, enforced, and orchestrated by those involved; Illegal Immigrants and their Legal friends. I do love these kinds of ideas. Where so much of this country's problems exist because our laws trip over each other and inhibit progress, an underground or outlaw system is needed to solve the problem. That is a method practiced and carried out time and time again throughout the history of our country. An integral and active solution woven into the American fabric.

By the way, I can't wait to see this film again!

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